
There are 7 different types of friends. Which one are you?

In group chats all over the world, there are seven clearly defined types of friends that make up a friendship group. 

And it takes all these different archetypes to keep the group ecosystem functioning. 

Without "The Nicole", we would never be able to pin down a catch-up or lock in that girls’ holiday. 

"The Nurturer" is first on the scene of any crisis, the human equivalent of hot comfort food on a cold day.

"The Floater" is the connector, introducing people from different circles and creating new connections. 

Nothing outrivals the storytelling prowess of "The Personality Hire" — ensuring there's never a dull moment in the friend group.

And where would we be without the no-nonsense honesty and reality checks from "The Straight Shooter"?

"The Poodle" provides a touch of class and order to any friend group and "The Here If You Need" friend reminds us of the importance of showing up when it truly counts. 

So which one are you?

Find out what type of friend you are below by taking our free quiz. 


For more on friendship, and what happens when you enter the so-called 'splinter era', listen to this episode of This Glorious Mess. 

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