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Queen Elizabeth II's former personal chef Darren McGrady shared Her Majesty's private dining habits, including her typical meals in his book Eating Royally: Recipes and Remembrances from a Palace Kitchen. "The Queen eats to live whereas Prince Philip lives to eat," McGrady said, and we can't... relate. But it got us wondering about what royalty eat in the day. Here is the Queen's (un)official food diary, based on McGrady's information.
Good day, loyal subjects.
Apparently you would like to know what I eat, which seems terribly boring to me but I aim to please.
I have plenty of other work to be getting on with, on account of the rest of my family falling apart. It's terribly irritating, and I simply can't handle another call about my troublesome grandson, so I am using what one would call 'procrastination'. Besides, Philip is having one of his 13 daily naps, so there is not much else to do.
Yes, the chefs prepare meals for the Queen's dogs too. Post continues below video.
I've been told you lot make your own cups of tea - so I suggest doing that, however that is done, and putting your feet up while I tell you about my daily meals.