
The mysterious disappearances of the Kardashian family pets.


Pets in the Kardashian household come and go like boyfriends.

Cute pictures of them are littered all over social media – and if they’re lucky, they may even pop up in an episode or two of Keeping Up With The Kardashians – and then, POOF, they’re never heard from again.

Kim Kardashian has posted a definitive list of her family’s many, MANY pets on her personal website, detailing what happened to each of them.

She's revealed she's not "the biggest animal person" and doesn't "die to constantly have a pet", which basically means she's a total monster who gains no joy from being surrounded by a bunch of puppies. WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU, KIM?!

"I thought it would be fun to give you guys the rundown on all our pets over the years," she writes on her site.

"I remember almost every pet we've had, and some are still around."

SOME being the operative word...

Kim does offer some explanations for where the pets have disappeared to over the years, but most of them have never been heard from ever again.

Like Rocky, Kim's Boxer who was named after the famous boxing character. She shared the pup with her ex, Reggie Bush, and got custody when they split.

But where is he now? WHERE IS HE, KIM?

Or Louis and Vuitton, two little chocolate labs that were given to Kendall and Kylie for Christmas in 2011.

Thankfully, not all of the Kardashian's pets need to be found via an international search. She did offer up some explanations as to where some of the cute, fluffy and furry creatures had gone.

You'll be pleased to know that Peter Pan, the family's peacock, is still living at Khloe's old house, after having been adopted by the new owners.

Mercy, the fluffy white kitten given to Kim by Kanye when they first met, was given to Khloe's assistant when Kim discovered she was allergic to cats.

And Dolce, Kim's chihuahua, was tragically killed by a neighbourhood coyote. RIP.

Life seems to be much better if you have Kylie Jenner as your owner, though. You may even get your own Instagram account, like her two Italian greyhounds, Norman and Bambi, who have more followers than we ever will over 400,000 fans.

Kylie has recently added to more dogs to her collection family: Ernie and Penny. If we give them their own Instagram, does that mean they will stick around forever?

One thing's for sure: if you're hoping to be reincarnated as a celebrity pet, you should probably pick a family OTHER than the Kardashians to take you in.

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Top Comments

Modern Woman 8 years ago

I wish somethings would disappear in the kardashian households, and it isn't the pets.