I’m the type of girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, but until recently I never imagined I would be the type of girl who wore her vibrator around her neck. Literally.
Nor would I have thought that I would be the type of girl who would have to come up with an answer to the question “why is your chest vibrating?” in the middle of a big, important meeting while simultaneously trying to stop my face from going beet red. But that happened too.
But that’s where I found myself when I recently decided (in a moment of sexually frustrated delusion, probably) to road test the Crave Vesper, a stunning necklace that doubles as a vibrator, for a week. Yep, great idea Liz (she says, oozing with sarcasm).Think of all the people who will want to read about your sure to be sexy and not at all embarrassing adventures! Think of the fact that you’ll get a new vibrator! Think about your new pretty piece of jewellery!
But when you have an editor like I do (love you Nadia, I swear!), who loves to push the boundaries when it comes to sex talk, you can bet your new assignment is going to have more to it than just “wear a necklace for a week”.
Let’s rewind a little, shall we?
Discovering the vibrator necklace.
I’d been scrolling through my Instagram, mindlessly clicking on pretty picture after impeccable flatlay, when I stumbled upon a necklace. But this, as you can imagine, wasn’t any normal necklace (what gave it away?). It resembled a little vial… a small silver bar nestled between the perky bust of a no-doubt nubile young thing. I was about to keep scrolling when I saw the words “vibrator necklace”.
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