
Doors opened for Jools Lebron when she coined 'very demure, very mindful'. Now she's in a legal battle.

Jools Lebron never expected a casual TikTok video to change her life, but that’s exactly what happened.

Her phrase, "very demure, very mindful," caught on like wildfire, making her an internet sensation almost overnight. 

But with that fame comes some drama, and now the words that skyrocketed her to stardom are dragging her into a legal mess.

Watch: Very mindful, very demure. Article continues after video.

Video via TikTok @joolieannie

What is 'very demure, very mindful' on TikTok?

"Very demure, very mindful" might sound like a quirky little phrase, but on TikTok, it’s become a full-blown movement.

TikTok beauty creator Jools Lebron dropped the gem during a makeup tutorial on August 5. She said she was all about looking professional in a "demure and modest and respectful" way at work, and people loved it. 

Image: TikTok


The video took off, and before long, TikTok users everywhere were declaring what was "demure" and what was definitely "not demure".

What started as a light-hearted take on workplace fashion and etiquette has evolved into something bigger. With her following skyrocketing to 2.1 million followers, Lebron has turned "being demure" into a whole ~vibe~.

From advice on how to strut through an airport to tips on navigating awkward social encounters with grace, her followers can’t get enough.

Image: TikTok


Who is Jools Lebron?

Before the TikTok fame train picked her up, Jools Lebron was just your average cashier, dishing out makeup tips while on her breaks. 

But once the "demure" trend went viral, her life did a complete 180-degree pivot. Suddenly, she was jet-setting across the globe, hosting events, and landing major brand deals that didn’t just pay the bills, but gave her the financial freedom to fund her gender transition.

Of the whirlwind journey, Lebron said, "One day, I was playing cashier and making videos on my break, and now I’m flying across countries to host events, and I’m gonna be able to finance the rest of my transition".


Image: TikTok

Trademark troubles.

As they say, with great power comes great responsibility. For Lebron, it's come with a bit of legal drama, too. 

Recently, the TikTok creator revealed that someone else had filed a trademark application for her now-iconic phrase, "very demure, very mindful".

In a now-deleted video, Lebron opened up about how much this setback was weighing on her. 

"I’ve just invested so much money and time into this, and I feel like I did it wrong," she said tearfully. "I wanted this to do so much for my family and provide for my transition, and I just feel like I dropped the ball."


Her fans were having none of it. Outraged by the idea that someone would try to cash in on her success, they flooded social media with messages of support. 

Just as the situation seemed ready to spiral, Lebron posted a calmer update on August 28, letting everyone know that things were being "handled".

In a quick TikTok clip, she reassured her followers that the situation was under control.

"We got it handled," she said. "Mama got a team now. It’s getting handled, you know, I appreciate you guys tagging me, I appreciate all the mentions, it’s getting handled."

Image: TikTok


What happens next?

Now, it looks like Jools Lebron is gearing up to defend what’s hers. 

Trademark experts are already pointing out that as the originator of the phrase, Lebron probably has the upper hand. Jason Lott, a managing attorney with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, explained to NPR, "When someone submits an application, it isn’t that that automatically means that they own it or that they’re the ones who have rights in it… It’s just that they have applied to register and they’re essentially saying to the USPTO, 'Hey, this is my trademark, and I want to have protection for it around the country.'"

Securing a trademark isn’t exactly a walk in the park, but for Lebron, it’s a must. 

The person who tried to swoop in and claim her phrase may have seriously underestimated the power of her fanbase — a community that’s not about to let their girl get taken down.

So, while this legal saga unfolds, Lebron’s fans can rest easy knowing she’s ready to fight for her phrase. The words that changed her life are staying put, right where they belong — with Jools Lebron.

Image: TikTok

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