In a number of days, my daughter will turn six-months-old and I’ve been dreading making a decision that will affect her whole life.
Six months is a pretty big milestone. I no longer recall what hot tea tastes like. She’s figured out how to roll and can’t be left unattended anymore. I don’t ask my parent-friends questions about the parenting basics anymore… well at least not every single day. She’s a lover of purees.
So, what’s the problem, I hear you ask.
The baby books say she can start eating yogurt, chicken and lamb at six-months-old. I’m vegan.
When I decided to make the switch from vegetarian to vegan five years ago, the first question I got was: "Will you force your children to be vegan?" I've always maintained that I will never force my children into being vegan. I will let them taste animal products like meat, dairy and honey. At the same time though, they will probably eat what I cook which will be mainly plant and grain based.
Read more: Vegan mum Vs meat-eater dad. Is this a war that can be won?
For the past two months I've avoided this dilemma with the recommendation to start on low-allergy vegetables and fruits. My daughter's favourite is apple. Followed by pear. Followed by sweet potato. She hates potato and ever since I mixed some zucchini in with her pumpkin, she is very wary of pumpkin.
Before you start jumping up and down at how I'm going to harm my daughter if I don't give her meat (maybe you are already there), let me just say my goal as a mum is to do whatever is best for her.
The thing is... it's not that simple.