
An airline just used a little-known 'rule' to ban two girls in leggings from flying.

If there is one place where you certainly shouldn’t have to worry about looking good or being judged, it’s on an airplane.

Everyone who has ever travelled knows that when it comes to air travel, fashion, beauty and comfort do not mix.

But it turns out that there are some rules about what we can and can’t wear on a plane that we never knew about.

Apparently, leggings are banned.

The air-travelling world is in shock after one woman live-tweeted a 'showdown' of sorts at an airline gate, after two girls were told they had to change out of their comfortable activewear before they were allowed to board the plane.

Yes, really.

Passenger Shannon Watts - who started Moms Demand Action, a group campaigning for reasonable solutions to address our nation’s culture of gun violence - shared the story with her 33,000 followers.

United Airlines responded to Shannon's series of tweets, stating that they "have the right to refuse transport for passengers who are barefoot or not properly clothed".

We all know leggings probably aren't the most suitable attire for, say, walking the red carpet at the Oscars (although, each to their own, right?), but to label the pants as "inappropriate" to wear on a flight is a bit of a stretch.

Especially when one of the passengers in question was understood to be just 10 years old.

Shannon argued that forcing the girls to change - or in one of the cases, put a dress over her leggings - was not only humiliating, but actually sexualised the young passengers.

United said that the passengers in question were actually "pass riders", which means they were United employees or their eligible dependents.

According to the airline, there are "separate dress codes" for pass riders, that remains "internal policy" and cannot be released.

The airline has now been hit with backlash from many of their frequent flyers, including some famous names.

Others simply pointed out that United's own marketing campaigns have shown women wearing leggings boarding planes. Or, you know, they just made memes:

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Top Comments

Janelle Claire Berner 7 years ago

I understand this applies to pass riders but I don't understand why they need to adhere to rules like this either. Those travelling on the same flight would have no idea that they're on pass flights and therefore a representation of the airline. And especially seeing as one of the passengers was a child is even worse. I don't understand the reasoning of the rule if not as a representative of the company. I've seen kids in pyjamas on flights before. Evidently they weren't pass fliers- or maybe they were on other's a discriminatory rule and should be banned.

guest 3.7 7 years ago

This is mind boggling to see the number of people who see an article with an inflammatory headline and can't be bothered to read the rest. It's not rules for the general public!