
What Uma does with her face is Uma's business.

Uma Thurman has a face. Everyone’s been talking about that face. Now, it’s ready to talk back.

Uma Thurman is a magnificent creature, obviously. She appeared on the a red carpet with some slightly different make-up the other day, and the world went full Renee Zellweger on her with a tirade of “What happened to Uma’s face?” headlines.

The 44-year-old Kill-Bill star has just responded — with her typical grace and dignity. #Uma’sfaceforpresident

Uma at a premiere late last year.


Uma told USA Today host Savannah Guthrie that her controversial look was the result of experimenting with her makeup.

Yes, that’s right, MAKE UP. Not the ageing process, cosmetic surgery, interference from extraterrestrial beings, or some form of youth lotion made from Reese Witherspoons’ placenta.

This is what Uma’s face looked like on the day everyone started talking:

The controversial look that has everyone talking.


“I guess nobody liked my makeup,” she said.

“I’ve been doing this for years and years and years. And people say things nice and they say things mean.”

That’s right. With one swift and perfectly rational sentence Uma managed to shutdown the entirety of the Hollywood press.

You might also like: Why is the world losing its mind about Renee Zellweger’s face?

She also went on to label the accusations for exactly what they were: “nasty”.

“You take the good with the bad,” she conceded.

Whatever Uma’s face looks like at any time, it’s beautiful. And the lovely mouth she has says smart things. Nice one, Thurman.

Flick through to see how Uma Thurman’s face has changed over the past 20 years…