Tell us a bit about Two Birds Brewing.
We are Two Birds Brewing – Australia’s first female-owned brewery and co-owned by Jayne Lewis and Danielle Allen. We began our quest in 2011 and now have a Brewery and Tasting Room located in Spotswood, an inner-western suburb of Melbourne, and our beers are available nationally, while our export journey is just beginning. We value our independence and strive to inspire people, one beer at a time, to follow their own personal ambitions.
What were you doing before you went into business for yourself?
Jayne had been working as a brewer for almost 10 years and had some ideas on new beers that she wanted to share with the world. I had been in product development and marketing for 10 years and the idea struck us when we were holidaying in the US, after visiting lots of really cool brewpubs and small breweries. Our skills were complementary and it made total sense for us to team up and use our experience to start a brewing company together. Jayne was originally a winemaker by trade but transitioned into brewing after seeing the light and realising that brewing allows a lot more creativity. I had always wanted to start my own business, I just hadn't the light bulb moment but it all became clear over a beer!