real life

These identical twins share everything. Including their boyfriend.


You may remember a story from earlier this year, about Australian twins Anna and Lucy Di Cinque – the identical twins who share everything.

They share their clothes.

They share a plastic surgeon, who made their identical faces even more identical. (For the very reasonable cost of $240,000.)

And – as we’ve recently found out – they also share a boyfriend.

This is a photo from the current edition of Women’s Day magazine. Pictured is Lucy and Anna with their boyfriend, Ben. (And yes, that is the bed the three of them share.)

Ben Byrne is an electrical mechanic and fitness enthusiast. He has been living with the Di Cinque sisters and their mother Jeanna for 10 months. And recently, he gave an exclusive interview to Woman’s Day about the throuple’s unconventional relationship.

“I know I have two girlfriends, but it feels like I’m only dating one because they’re just so similar,” Ben told Woman’s Day.

The three have been together for 18 months, but the 31-year-old originally met the two sisters on Facebook, after they added him at the suggestion of a friend.

They talked for about six months online before they met in person.

“It’s my first time with two girlfriends, and to be honest it’s very difficult because it has to be 100 per cent even,” Byrne told the Woman’s Day.

“Whatever I do for one I have to do for the other, so it’s a fine balance. My mates reckon it’s a cool problem to have.”

In terms of maintaining balance in the bedroom, Lucy told the magazine, “Put it this way, we’re very active girls and he needs twice the energy.”

Ben says that fighting with the twins is difficult, because, “It’s always two versus one… But on the bright side I get double the love!”

Ben is aware that their relationship is far from conventional, but says that they are going to last.

“It’s a unique position to be in, but I really love them and we’re on track to be together forever,”

And for a final fun fact that will blow your mind: Ben Byrne is also a twin. We’ll leave that without comment.

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Top Comments

Guest 10 years ago

Twins are so interesting. Although my husband is a twin and detests it. All the best to this throuple!!!

Me 10 years ago

Ronald McDonald called. He wants his lips back.