If you like to let your kids stay up to watch TV after 7.30pm you might need to take a good look at what you are really about to watch with changes to the TV Code of Practice kicking in from today.
The new rules mean that programming with an M classification can now be broadcast from 7.30pm. TV shows with murder, terror, bad language, nudity and sex will all be able to be shown on your screens while the sun is still shining in the sky.
( Except for those of us in Queensland….)
The Bachelor,The move has some prompted some concern.
The Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) president Professor Elizabeth Handsley told News Limited that another concerning change is the scrapping of G timeslots meaning that commercial networks can now show PG-rated content in the previously G rated slots of 6am and 8.30am and from 4pm to 7pm.
Shows with an MA15+ rating can now also be broadcast from 8.30pm.
Professor Handsley said “It means there’s now no time a parent can sit their child in front of the TV with confidence … knowing that everything shown will be appropriate and not upsetting or disturbing”
But Australian television historian Andrew Mercado thinks it is time for a change telling the ABC:
“When you actually think about young children today, they could hop on to the Internet and google up some porn within minutes now. I don't think moving it forward an hour is going to make that much of a difference.”