
This is how many times couples typically have sex before conceiving.

Want-to-be parents are having sex some 78 times before they conceive, a new study suggests.

It typically takes a lot of sex and more than six months, according to parenting website

In the study of 1,194 British parents, getting a positive pregnancy result took an average of 185 days, The Mirror reported.

What position?

Mums on the site voted missionary as “the most successful” sex position to fall pregnant followed closely by “doggy style”.

It seems having more time to get busy might well have a lot to do with successfully falling pregnant.


Mamamia previously revealed that the Christmas holiday period is the most popular time of the year to fall pregnant in Australia, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

“What we’ve found looking at the last decade’s worth of data is that late September-early October is the peak time in terms of the number of people born in Australia,” ABS demographer Andrew Howe said.

“Nine months before equates to around Christmas time.”

Podcast: Getting the sperm into the egg (post continues below).


It doesn’t matter where you live – it’s a nation-wide trend.

“The rate of births can vary a bit across the country but in terms of distribution across the year, it’s pretty consistent across the country,” said Mr Howe.

Aussie births average at around 830 per day around late September and then the birth rates trail off in October.

There is a similar pattern overseas, making the Christmas break peak baby-making time in the UK and New Zealand too.

Trying for a baby?

Australian fertility specialist, Dr Sonya Jessop, says the birth rate peak might be because we have more time for sex during the holidays.

"Suddenly around Christmas time things are shut and everyone is at home and people get together more and have more sex and therefore have more babies," she says.

The Sydneysider says people might decide to "give it a go" and try for a baby when they are relaxed.

"Christmas time is one of those times where people let their guard down a bit and everything seems a bit nicer," she says.

However, Dr Jessup has warned that if you are trying for a baby it is best to see a fertility specialist.

"I have seen so much incorrect information given out by GPs. One woman was told by several GPs that she didn't have a problem and should just keep trying naturally," said Dr Jessup.

"She was 39 when she first approached a GP for fertility advice and eventually came to see me by the age of 47, by which time it is too late for her to have a baby using her own eggs. A devastating result for her."

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Top Comments

Guest 7 years ago

My first pregnancy took two months of trying but was an early miscarriage. Second pregnancy was first go, had sex maybe 4 times during ovulation window. I still think my daughter was just meant to be here!