true crime

Louisa's death was ruled an accidental drowning. 13 years later, there's a new theory.

It was Christmas Eve, 2021, when podcaster and private investigator, Julia Robson received an email from Tass Stouraitis, asking her to investigate his sister's death, 13 years earlier.

Louisa Ioannidis was just 24 years old when she was found dead in a shallow creek, just 450 metres from her home. Her death was deemed an accidental drowning, though how or why she was in the creek was never determined. Aside from a two-line report in a local newspaper, the young woman's death was ignored by national media. 

But Louisa's brother, Tass, has always doubted the findings, and now hopes that just like similar podcasts before it — such as The Teacher's Pet and The Lady Vanishes, Julia's investigation Troubled Waters, will find the answers he's been desperately searching for.  

Watch: Ghost Story podcast trailer. Article continues below.

Video via Wondery.

"Louisa's story is both compelling and tragic," says Julia. "I felt that a deeper investigation could not only help to provide closure for her family but also potentially uncover new insights that might lead to a different narrative of what truly happened to her."

The resulting podcast, Troubled Waters, has revealed there was so much more to Louisa's life — and death — than previously known.


Who is Louisa Ioannidis?

Louisa Ioannidis endured a lot during her short life. When she was 10 years old, her father took their family on a holiday to his home country of Libya. But the trip was a ruse. Instead of enjoying time as a family, Louisa's father told her mother that the children would not be leaving. Louisa's mother endured years of hardship in Libya as she planned to escape with her two daughters, ultimately depleting her life savings to bring them home to Australia, where they rebuilt their lives from scratch.

By all accounts, Louisa was fun and playful, yet somewhat reserved. "She was glamorous, a lover of animals, and resilient," says Julia. "She was deeply loved by her family and friends."

Louisa Ioannidis. Image: Supplied. 


Louisa grew up in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. During high school, she met her partner, known as Joe*. 

The on-again-off-again relationship was volatile, and the young couple became known for their dramatic break-ups and reconciliations. 

"Louisa's partner was viewed with mixed feelings by the community," says Julia. 

"While some saw their relationship as typical of young couples, Louisa's friends and family had significant concerns about his behaviour and intentions, particularly after Louisa’s mother died."

Louisa was just 22 when her mother died in 2009. According to Louisa’s friends and family, her mother didn’t approve of their relationship and had encouraged Louisa to leave Joe. 

But after her unexpected death, Joe moved into the family home, and that's when things really started to disintegrate. 

The way Louisa's family and friends describe it, she was the victim of what we now know of as coercive control. They also allege physical abuse, though Joe has reportedly always denied this. 


"According to witness accounts, they would regularly see Louisa with bruises on her arms, legs and neck," says Julia. 

"One witness also recalled seeing Louisa being slapped in the face by her partner in front of her."

Another witness revealed Louisa described having boiling water poured on her following a fight. 

"It’s understood Louisa confided in only a few close friends," says Julia. 

"In the months, weeks and days prior to her death, she had allegedly started to open up with more people about how she wanted to leave the relationship.

"Witnesses, including friends and neighbours, regularly reported hearing arguments and seeing signs of physical abuse."

In June, 2011, less than four months before she was found dead, police attended Louisa's home following an allegation of assault. 

"Joe grabbed me by the shoulder and hair, dragged me out of the car, and told me to shut up and get inside," Louisa said in her police statement. 

Joe was charged with assault, but Louisa died before the matter proceeded. 

Louisa's final moments. 

On the day she was last seen alive, witnesses heard arguing at Louisa's home. It's believed Louisa packed a bag and made her way to the Melbourne International Airport. 

"There were no pre booked tickets for her and it is unclear what she was doing at the airport," says Julie. 


"At some point she got into a taxi at the airport and was seen to be upset and crying. She used the taxi driver's phone to ring her partner and ask to be picked up."

According to Julia, it's been alleged that Joe would only pay the fare if the driver told him where she had been picked up from. 

"When Louisa was asked what she was doing at the airport, it’s understood she said she was 'going overseas'.

It's believed Louisa eventually made it home, where she remained alone for some time. She then went to her neighbour's house and asked to make a phone call. She was reportedly heard calling Joe and asking when he'd be returning home."

Joe's story. 

According to Joe's account to police, he returned home that night. He spoke to Louisa, he said, then went outside to pat the dog. When he walked back into the house, he noticed the front door was open, and assumed Louisa "must have run outside".

"Her partner then claimed he went outside and saw her running her towards Darebin Creek," says Julie. 

"He then went back home and went to sleep."

The following morning, after finding Louisa gone, Joe says he took a walk down to Darebin Creek. Her pink dressing gown was floating in the water, he said. 

"He claims he did not approach it further but went home and started notifying friends and family about his sighting of the robe in the creek," says Julia. 

"It’s important to note here that Louisa was found in her dressing gown, so if he did sight the dressing gown in the creek, she would have been wearing it.


Missing for eight days. 

It was Louisa's brother, Tass, who reported her missing, six days after she was last seen alive. 

Two days later, Louisa's body was found in Darebin Creek, by passers-by unknown to her. Despite the body being found just 450 from Louisa's home, it would be another eight days before it was identified as Louisa. 

Louisa was fully clothed, wearing her pink dressing gown, a pair of blue jeans, a singlet and one sock. Louisa's death was quickly ruled as a non-suspicious drowning. 

"At the time, police used visual clues and saw rubbish in the trees, high up on the banks and surmised there must have been elevated water levels at the time she entered," says Julia. 

"As her case was suspected to be non-suspicious, it remained with the Criminal Investigation Unit and homicide did not attend the scene."

Louisa's cause of death was listed as 'consistent with drowning', despite there being no witnesses to her entering the creek, or struggling in the water. There were no typical signs of drowning postmortem. 

Julia Robson is a podcaster and private investigator. Image: Supplied. 


New revelations. 

The Troubled Waters podcast has revealed incredible new insights and evidence that contradicts the original ruling. 

"We have identified the creek was not experiencing elevated water levels at the time Louisa is believed to have entered which makes the police theory implausible," says Julie. 

Which begs the question, why didn’t she just stand up and walk out of the creek?

"Our investigation revealed that the upstream and downstream creek levels were recording levels at around 40cm, making drowning seem unlikely, unless she was incapacitated for some reason. 

"Producer Clare McGrath and I have since gone back to the creek when it has recorded the same levels. Clare is the same height as Louisa was (170cm) and she was able to walk around in there with the depths ranging anywhere from her knees to her upper thigh at its deepest point."


The autopsy didn't reveal any of the typical signs of drowning, nor did it show signs of trauma or injury. 

In other words, the autopsy did not reveal how Louisa died. This is why the circumstances leading up to her death are so important.

"Experts have expressed skepticism about the likelihood of drowning in water at that depth," says Julia. 

"The obvious question is, why didn’t Louisa just stand up and walk out? This raises concerns as to her level of consciousness.  

"Our investigation has challenged the finding that Louisa’s cause of death was consistent with drowning and that there were no suspicious circumstances. The podcast has uncovered new evidence indicating the creek was not experiencing elevated water levels as the police theory put forward. It’s clear that a fresh investigation needs to be undertaken and all possible causes of death should be thoroughly reviewed."

Julia stresses the podcast is not suggesting Louisa’s partner is responsible for her death.  

"Rather, we are advocating for a fresh investigation that thoroughly reviews all possible causes of death," she says.

Feature Image: Supplied.