
This could be the juiciest vitamin C serum of all time.

Thanks to our brand partner, Trilogy

Who else feels like their daily skincare routine is starting to resemble those "simple" cooking recipes that begin with finely dicing an onion? I can relate.

Between the serums I have on rotation (because it would be ludicrous to use three different serums both morning and night), sunscreen or face oil, plus different moisturisers depending on the time of day, my skincare routine isn’t exactly quick, much to my three-year-old’s dismay.

As a single mum with a VERY clingy three-year-old #covidbaby (and a seven-year-old who likes to stir up said three-year-old), I am forever having to rush everything I do to the symphony of "hurry up Mummy", "Mummy, what are you doing?" and "are you done yet?", which isn’t ideal when you have a multi-step skincare routine twice a day.

So, when I saw Trilogy was releasing a Vitamin C+ Super Serum ($49.95) which contains eight (yes, eight, you read that correctly) powerful natural actives, I knew I had to give it a try.

My current serum rotation includes vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and retinol. Trilogy’s Super Serum not only contains all of these but also offers a natural alternative to retinol. I take back what I said about putting three serums on twice a day being ludicrous because with this serum, it’s not only possible but incredibly easy and effective.

Image: Supplied. 

What is Trilogy's Vitamin C+ Super Serum? 

Trilogy’s dermatologically tested Vitamin C+ Super Serum has a unique combination of 10 per cent vitamin C and 2 per cent bio retinol (NovoRetin, a natural retinol ingredient). 

It also includes six additional natural actives: hyaluronic acid, vegan collagen, ceramide NP, vegan peptide, glycerin and AHAs, which work together with the vitamin C and a natural retinol alterative to give you brighter, tighter, smoother-looking skin.

How? You ask.

Firstly, the NovoRetin, a natural retinol alternative derived from renewable mastic resin, boosts the production of retinoic acid, which improves elasticity, lift and reduces the appearance of pores, blemishes and fine lines. 

The 10 per cent vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant derived from ascorbic acid, helps brighten and even out the appearance of skin tone.

Vegan collagen combined with the peptide are great ingredients for keeping the skin plump and youthful as they work together to rebalance and aid regeneration of the skin barrier.

Meanwhile, the ceramide NP, hyaluronic acid and glycerin work together to boost the skin’s moisture content, ensuring the skin is hydrated. Lastly, AHAs are fantastic exfoliators that help to improve skin texture by removing dead cells and paving the way for new skin cell generation.

Image: Supplied. 

So, how did I go with it?

Well, I’ll start with the obvious: my three-year-old LOVED that my skincare routine time was cut down significantly. Trilogy’s one-step serum meant I could quickly pop it on the moment his little head popped into my bathroom, before the first question left his lips.

I immediately noticed the tightening effect of the serum on my first application (don’t mistake the feeling for dryness like I initially did because when you touch your skin, it’s bouncy and plump).

After two weeks of using Trilogy’s serum exclusively, both day and night, my skin looks smoother, my pores appear less noticeable and the fine lines around my eyes seem less visible.  

I’ll also add at this juncture that the two weeks I tested the serum were also the two weeks leading up to my period, which is prime time for my skin to break out.

I can now report back that there were two points where I was certain I would end up with a volcanic pimple (you know the ones that are SO sore before you even see them; yeah, I had two of those bad boys), but guess what? They didn’t! The two pimples didn’t even have time to head, let alone erupt. I thank the AHA in the serum for that.

The verdict. 

Image: Supplied. 

I really enjoyed using this product and LOVED the fact that one serum does the job which used to take a full lineup. It not only saves time, but it saves space in your bathroom (I can already count four bottles that can be bumped off the shelf). 

And as if that isn’t incentive enough, think about how cost-effective it is! One bottle versus multiple — you don’t even need girl math to know that’s a steal.

I will definitely be keeping Trilogy’s Vitamin C+ Super Serum in my skincare routine. I love how easy it’s made my routine each day. I no longer have to think about which serum to put on to target which skin concern each day. Instead, I know this serum has my back.

Shop Trilogy's Vitamin C+ Super Serum, available at Chemist Warehouse or online here.

Feature Image: Supplied. 

Certified Natural by NATRUE, Trilogy has over 22 years of natural skincare expertise. Founded in NZ in 2002 with the launch of their much loved and now iconic Certified Organic Rosehip Oil Trilogy’s offers a range of active natural skincare that works. Powerfully natural skincare you'll love.

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