Before I was a mum, I travelled for pleasure: relaxation and experiences.
But from the moment my son was born, I travelled to expand his world. It was while reading Mem Fox’s 'Where is the green sheep?' for the hundredth time that I realised my son had not yet seen a sheep. And here I was, trying to persuade him — at two months old, to see the humour in it being a green one…
It was time to get out into the world again.
I booked his first plane ticket. Of course, I could have just taken him to a local petting zoo. But my motivation wasn’t just a sheep hunt: it was to broaden OUR horizons, as a mum and son team.
So, I flew him halfway across the country, from Adelaide to the Gold Coast, to meet one of his cousins. Now, spoiler alert: travelling as a solo mum by choice with a three-month-old baby is challenging. I’m not going to say it was pleasurable the entire time. But when I look back at the photos, I am so incredibly grateful to myself for taking on that challenge. And though it was a roller coaster — I loved it and so did my son.
Skip ahead three years exactly. He is now three and though we are not jetsetters by any means (we live on my modest, single, part-time teaching income)…but we do travel every five weeks. Sometimes more.