They’ve heard it before, and we are here to tell them again, it isn’t that easy.
“I do do a lot,” they whine. “I put the dishes in the dishwasher, and I put the clothes in the washing machine. You don’t appreciate all the things I do in the home.”
Typical Saturday morning argument from any husband/dad.
However, dear husbands and dads, did you… Put the dishes on and then unpack the clean dishes into their proper place? I think not.
Dear husbands and dads, did you… Wait for the washing to finish, put the wet washing on the line/in the dryer, wait for it to dry, take the washing down/out of the dryer, fold/iron/realise the stain still hasn’t come out and put the clothes into the drawers and cupboards just the way the family member likes them? And then do the next load? I think not.
But it seems once again, no matter how much we “whinge” and “moan”, men still don’t get the point.
Today, on Sunrise the morning team talked about the Tough Mother Challenge. In a nut shell, it is a 48 hour break for mums. But a real break. You know, not the kind were mum prepares all the meals, labels them, puts them in the freezer, makes sure the clean clothes are all sorted, cleans the house and writes a list of things that needs to be done in said 48 hours. Only to come back from the 48 hours to a dirty house, a pile of laundry and possibly naked, dirty children.