These seem like innocent photos. Pictures of breadsticks, ice cream sundaes and collared shirts aren’t exactly NSFW, right? Wrong. This gallery is full of what we termed ‘accidental penises.’ Take a look at them in all of their accidentally phallic glory, here.
2. Ryan Gosling: stop being so Ryan Gosling!
This post was our top post of 2012. In it, one woman simply asked: Ryan Gosling, could you please stop being so Ryan Gosling? From his beautifully crafted facial hair, to his ability to make ovaries the world over explode by holding a small child, Ryan Gosling is XY chromosomes in their most perfect formation. For your daily dose of Gosling, click here.
3. Prepare to be stunned by these images
Dutch photographer Ari Versluis, and profiler Ellie Uyttenbroek, got together in 1994 and started taking photos of every social group they could think of. Baristas, aunties, geeks, goths: you name a sector of society and, chances are, this pair spent two decades photographing them. The groups are called ‘exactitudes’ and they are scarily accurate. Click here to see which group you fit into.
This was a post that the MM team fought tooth and nail to get up on the site. And, when Mia finally said yes, it became our top post of the day. They’re ponies. They’re Scottish. And they’re wearing cardigans. You know you want to see the pictures, here.
5. Etsy: confessions of an online craft addict
Edwina Dick was (and still is) an Etsy addict. She wrote for us about her conversion to the site, that stocks a whole range of homemade crazy things, and about the weird and wacky world it exposed her to. Click here to see the handiworks of people across the globe – ranging from a uterus necklace, to a bruise-preventing apple jacket – as well as read Edwina’s hilarious testimonial.