In proof that cousins are good for more than just making family events bearable, Ali Oetjen’s may have just given us the ultimate Bachie spoiler to ensure we are aptly prepared for Thursday’s finale.
Because, let’s be honest, we can’t resist a spoiler.
(But if you can, you probably shouldn’t be reading this).
According to her very telling Instagram update, the winner is…
Drum roll please…
Todd King.
AKA everyone’s Bachie crush.
While Bill is clearly going home this week for the stunt he pulled with his ex during hometowns (seriously, mate), Taite Radley has been somewhat of a dark horse on the program, proving himself as a front runner late in the game.
But it looks like Todd King is the one Ali chooses after all and look, we’re happy for her but we were also very excited when we discovered yesterday that he’d previously told NW he wouldn’t rule out an appearance as the next Bachelor.
Ali’s cousin Bianca, who made it abundantly clear that Todd was were fave on show earlier this season, is followed by Todd on Instagram. Her account is private, and he seems to be the only Bachelorette contestant she’s accepted to follow her.
Which is basically the 2018 equivalent of having a photo together on a family holiday.
Clearly Ali and Todd are already married and have eight kids. (Kidding.)