
You're not imagining it, everyone's in a slump right now. Here's how to combat it.

Level Lemonade
Thanks to our brand partner, Level Lemonade

Let's face it — it's that time of the year when we're feeling like we've run out of everything in the tank.

So if you've been feeling like you're running on empty lately (pun intended), you're not alone. For those of us who aren't in Europe, it seems like everyone's energy levels are on the decline. Fatigue from the beginning of the year, shifting routines, and a general "blah" feeling in the air can leave us all feeling a bit, well... meh.


While it's totally normal to experience energy slumps, especially during seasonal changes, you might be surprised to learn that some of your daily habits could be secretly sapping your energy without you even realising it. From that "harmless" afternoon coffee to your weekend sleep patterns, plenty of habits that are draining your energy might be lurking in your routine.

But fear not. We've got your back with a round-up of easy and practical hacks to help you reclaim your energy. So let's dive into some energy-boosting tricks:

1. Up your magnesium intake.

When it comes to reducing tiredness and fatigue, it can be worth looking at what you're consuming to ensure it's full of energy-boosting vitamins. Enter: magnesium, which is known to improve both your mood and sleep as well as overall exercise performance and blood sugar regulation.

A quick and easy way to up your magnesium in the day is with a drink like Level Lemonade — containing 160mg of magnesium. It tastes great while also giving you lots of functional benefits like being handy after workouts (as magnesium supports your muscle recovery), long days or any time you need a boost. Level Lemonade is also infused with vitamin C, is low sugar and comes in lots of flavours like pink grapefruit, raspberry, pineapple and cola. It's a delicious option to stay hydrated while enhancing your overall wellness.

2. Get on board with a 'fake commute'.

Remember when we all used to complain about our daily commutes? Well, it turns out that little journey to and from work might have been doing us some good after all. For those of us still working from home or with flexible schedules, the lack of a defined start and end to the workday can leave us feeling perpetually "on" and drained as a result.


Enter the "fake commute" — a great hack to bookend your day and give your brain the transition it craves. Before starting work, take a 15-20 minute walk around the block, or even just to your local coffee shop and back. Do the same at the end of your workday. This mini-adventure gives you time to mentally prepare for the day ahead or decompress after a long day of Zoom calls.

3. While you're at it, try a 'fake nap'.

We've all been there — desperately wanting to take a nap but knowing it'll throw off our sleep schedule. Try the "fake nap", a clever way to reap the benefits of a siesta without actually falling asleep.

Find a quiet spot, set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing and allow your body to relax completely. Even if you don't fall asleep, this short period of rest can help refresh your mind and body, leaving you feeling more alert and energised. It's like pressing the reset button on your day, minus the groggy post-nap feeling.

4. Take a 'nose breath' break.

Feeling that 3pm slump creeping in? Before you reach for that third (or fourth) cup of coffee, try this quick and quirky breathing exercise instead. It's called alternate nostril breathing, and it's a lot less weird than it sounds — promise.

Here's how it works: Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril. Then, close your left nostril with your ring finger, release your thumb, and exhale through your right nostril. Reverse the process and repeat for about five minutes. This simple technique can help balance your nervous system, increase alertness, and give you a natural energy boost — no caffeine jitters required.


5. Channel your inner child with a mini dance party.

Remember when you were a kid and could dance around without a care in the world? It's time to bring that energy back into your life. When you feel your eyelids getting heavy, crank up your favourite upbeat tune and have a solo dance party for the duration of the song. Not only will this get your blood pumping and boost your energy levels, but it'll also release mood-enhancing endorphins.

6. Use scent to your advantage.

Your nose might be the secret weapon in your fight against fatigue. Certain scents have been shown to have energising effects on our brains. Keep a bottle of peppermint, citrus or rosemary essential oil at your desk. When you feel your energy flagging, take a few deep whiffs.

7. Flip your perspective (literally).

When all else fails, why not turn your world upside down? Inversions, or poses where your head is below your heart, can increase blood flow to your brain, giving you a natural energy boost.

Don't worry, you don't need to be a yoga expert to reap the benefits. Lying on your back with your legs up against a wall for five to ten minutes can do the trick. Not only will this give you a new perspective on your surroundings, but it might just give you a new perspective on your energy levels, too.

So there you have it. Remember, everyone's energy ebbs and flows, and it's perfectly normal to have off days. But with these tricks up your sleeve, you'll be better equipped to tackle those energy slumps.


What are your tips for dealing with an energy slump? Tell us in the comments section below.

Shop Level Lemonade from Ampol, Caltex, Woolworths, Woolworths Metro and Amazon.

Featured Image: Getty.

Level Lemonade
Level Lemonade is the perfect blend of refreshment and functionality, crafted to elevate your daily routine. The drink is infused with magnesium and vitamin C, with magnesium known to support muscle recovery. With Level Lemonade supporting immunity and enhancing overall vitality, it's an ideal choice for post-workout or anytime you need a revitalising boost. Available in a range of delicious flavours, it provides a low-sugar option that doesn’t compromise on taste. Whether you're finishing a workout, taking a midday break, or winding down in the evening, Level Lemonade helps you stay balanced and refreshed. Embrace the delicious way to enhance your wellbeing with Level Lemonade — great taste meets functional benefits.