I blame Tinder. One minute we were both happily single, ordering pizzas by the bucket load and watching hours of crappy reality TV, and the next minute, my mate Kate was living interstate with the love of her life.
Bloody Tinder.
Kate was my ‘person’. We had dinner together several times a week. We knew about the nitty gritty of each other’s lives. We were each other’s biggest champions.
But like with most friendships, life circumstances changed and so did the intensity of our friendship.
The thing is, as you get older, it gets harder and harder to make new mates and maintaining your old friendships can be tricky too.
I’ve moved cities several times as an adult, and I know it’s very easy to let friendships slip away. One minute this person is one of the most important people in your life, and the next they’re just somebody that you used to know.