
This throuple just shared how they manage in-fighting. It's kind of beautiful.

The unique world of polyamory carries with it a certain curiosity. Surely one of them is jealous? Surely if it's hard for two people to be happy in a relationship, three is impossible? We've all seen how Sister Wives turned out…

Well, a US-based throuple is opening the door on their three-way relationship, and it turns out they have some pretty sound advice for all couples, including monogamous ones.

You see, polyamorous relationships come with a lot more upfront communication; of boundaries, rules and feelings, otherwise it would never work.

It's with these skills that they've somehow harnessed something many monogamous couples struggle with: how to solve arguments.

Image: Instagram/campthrouple.


Alana Underwood, Megan Smith and Kevin Jankay, are open about their three-way relationship on TikTok.

Alana and Kevin had met through her brother-in-law years before they decided to open up their relationship. Alana told Newsweek that she had been bi-curious, and across a series of discussions, they decided to bring someone into their relationship.

In doing so, they had to set a lot of boundaries.

"In the beginning we set our boundaries so everything was clear, we were all on the same page," they said in a recent TikTok. "One of those boundaries was we were not going to date outside of this relationship right here. Because in polyamory sometimes people are in open relationships, but it was new to us so we wanted it to be very clear that it was going to be the three of us. No one outside this."

Another boundary they set was not being intimate just one-on-one until everyone felt comfortable.

"Keep in mind that boundaries like that can change. So for us, we can now can be intimate one-on-one because we built that trust and over time we were able to break that boundary down," they say. "We did a lot of check-ins, [asking] is this boundary still applicable for us."

Of course, with boundaries comes lines that get crossed.

The throuple, who post under the @campthrouple handle online, did a video sharing how they resolve arguments, and it's actually pretty sound advice.


"We definitely had a lot of trial and error in the beginning of our relationship when it came to arguments," Megan said. Kevin added that it had been a 'bumpy road' and that they'd had to 'learn the hard way' in many situations.

"But one of the things that we recognised early that didn't work, is that third person taking a side with one of the other people engaged in the argument," Kevin said. "It doesn't feel good be teamed up on, your defences go up and actually just raises the tensions even more."

"That's like fighting fire with fire," Alana adds.

Image: Instagram/campthrouple.


Having the benefit of a third person, they utilise this voice, not to take sides, but to step in to mediate.

"If two people are arguing and they need the third person to step in, they'll be like, 'Hey, we can't see eye-to-eye, can you mediate for us?' And the third person will be like 'Heck, yeah.'"

It's their belief that a breakdown of communication proliferates arguments, and that having some perspective can help to improve that discussion and indeed, the issue itself.

"As the third person, you can step in and be like 'Hey, I see what they're saying, and I see what you're saying'... and kind of bring the two together."

While this might work for them in their throuple, it's also a good reminder for monogamous couples that they don't have to solve everything themselves.

That might mean just changing the mindset. For example, it's you and your partner versus the problem, not you versus your partner about a problem. Or, it might mean turning to the help of a therapist or an unbiased third party who can help the communication flow peacefully again.

"It's so easy to misunderstand someone when you're upset," they say.

A fan wrote on the post, "I think, with any type of relationship, the most important thing to do is effective communication with each other. And that takes time to build as y'all get to know and build your relationship."

To which Camp Throuple replied, "Totally agree!"

Feature image: Instagram/campthrouple

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