
'I took my daughter to the dentist. 30 minutes later they brought her back dead.'

On Monday, Araceli Avila took her three-year-old daughter to the dentist in California.

Daleyza Avila Hernandez was there to undergo an otherwise routine procedure where two teeth would be pulled, with two caps put on two others.

But as her parents hovered in the waiting room for their three-year-old to be finished and for the family to head off home, an ambulance pulled up. It was there in the hope paramedics could revive her daughter.

“My daughter was very healthy,” Ms Avila told FOX40. “All I did was I take my daughter to the dentist because they were going to fix her teeth, and about 30 minutes later they brought her back dead.”

Recalling that her young, loved toddler was “vivacious and full of life” before heading into the dentist, Ms Avila said when she saw the ambulance come, she had no idea it would be there for her own child.

“And I stood up and went outside because I was like, ‘they are coming for a kid,’ but I never thought it was for my child,” she said.

The mother wasn’t allowed into the surgery room, and when the dentists emerged, a nurse told them their daughter’s heart stopped. She was rushed to hospital where little Daleyza was pronounced dead.

David Thompson, the administrator of the dentist where Daleyza died, told FOX40 Ms Avila and her husband were not allowed in the room because of sanitary reasons and believes the three-year-old had a reaction to the anesthetics during the procedure.

The Dental Board of California have said they are investigating the cause of death.
