Boys need their mums.
You see it when they turn to you after they fall trying to keep up with the big kids during a game of ‘tip’.
You see it when their faces light up when you step into the playground for a rare after-school pick up.
You see it when they search you out of the crowd when they score a goal, or nail a song in the end of year concert.
I see it every morning when my nearly-big eight-year-old and my still-small six-year-old are drawn to me eyes half closed with sleep for a morning cuddle.
Whether they are just-born helpless little guys or tough-as-bolts teenagers, they need you.
As a mother of two boys, and a small girl, I have the usual hopes and dreams for my children. The usual desires that my boys will learn to put down the toilet seat and my daughter will learn that there are other colours than pink.
But there are some other things I hope, as their mum, I can teach my boys.
This video of what boys are really like went viral. (Post continues after video.)
1. You don’t have to be "sporty" to fit in.
I have one naturally sporty son and one who is trying to find his thing. I know I have to allow him to work out what’s going to be his gig but at the moment he is stuck in the land of boys-play-footy and the mindset of why-aren't-I-any-good.
What I want him to know is that boys and men come in so many different shapes and sizes. That the ones who aren’t on the field have as much value and worth and respect as the ones who do. That some of the greatest men couldn't kick a ball into a net either.