Be honest. How often do you actually remove your makeup before going to bed?
I’m not talking about a quick splash of warm water or chucking your face under the shower head, but taking the time to properly slough off the layers of products that have been sitting on your face all day.
If you said ‘every night’, you’re either a skincare saint or a really good liar.
Even though magazines and beauty blogs have been pleading with us to take off our makeup before hitting the pillow for yonks, after a long day it can feel like a chore.
That’s why when the Original Makeup Eraser waltzed into my bathroom, I was equal parts excited and sceptical.
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I use the Norwex version of this cloth and a Sorbelene moisturiser. That's it. On the odd occasion that I get a facial, I am always told that I have pretty good skin. Cleansers etc. dry my skin out. Kepe it simple is my motto.
They are designed to work without any cleanser needed afterwards and are great for people with dry and sensitive skin. They must be washed after each use though and you can't use fabric softener.