
The crazy conspiracy theories behind Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's romance.

Pass the popcorn, because the Hiddleswift saga is closer to us than ever.

As in, literally, the couple have touched down in Sydney. They’re here. Hiddleswfit: The Love Tour just flew in from Los Angeles and now we can’t get enough.

I’ve been devouring every piece of information possible when it comes to the world’s most talked about couple (that’s quite a feat when they’ve only been together for a couple of weeks.) Pictures, tweets, songs, endless threads on fan pages – you name it, I’ve seen it.

There’s one question the world simply can’t stop asking when it comes to Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston: are they for real?

So, we’ve scoured the web for the craziest conspiracy theories about what is really going on between the famous pair. Get ready to be shocked.

1. This is one big music video shoot.


Currently the leading theory. Taylor is due for an album release this year, and is using her “relatonship” with Tom to make commentary on the media’s obsession with celebrities and their relationships. Kinda like Lemonade, but with much less Beyoncè and much more ‘girl squads slipping down giant water rides’.

2. It’s all about scoring Tom the James Bond gig.

With Daniel Craig stepping down from his role as Bond, James Bond very soon, Tom has been the bookies’ number one pick. What better way to sell him in as the world’s biggest ladies man than to pair him up with the biggest singer on the planet. Of course, TayTay gets a slice of the pie, too: perhaps she’s vying for the title of next Bond Girl, or wants to chase down an elusive Oscar by penning the new film’s theme song.

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3. We’re being distracted from that whole Kanye West drama.

Let’s be real, who’s thought about Kanye West and his controversial Famous music video (and all the back and forth about whether Taylor knew about the song from the very beginning) since Hiddleswift started flaunting their love all over the globe? Nobody. Sorry, Kimye, but Hiddleswift have officially taken over from you as the world’s most photographed pair.

4. It’s a dare…and it’s rapidly escalating out of control. Surely there’s no other reason a 35-year-old man would hit the beach in an ‘I

5. They’re genuinely in love…oh, and she’s pregnant.

Maybe Hiddleswift is here to remind us all that TRUE LOVE STILL EXISTS. That this is a true Love Story and there’s no Bad Blood between T-Swizzle and the press. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)

Maybe the rush to meet the parents, introduce Tom to her friends and make sure the world knows they’re in love is because…cue suspenseful music…she’s expecting! Even though we saw those bikini pics from Taylor’s Fourth of July party and we’re pretty sure that’s not the case. But, hey, it’s a theory nonetheless.

See all the pictures from Taylor Swift’s epic Fourth of July party.

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Top Comments

Blame the paps. 8 years ago

Taylor Swift is the new Renee Zellwegger. Official girlfriend to stars who want coverage and cross promotion but want their real private lives left alone..

The Wizz 8 years ago

Or....they've been together on the sly for quite some time, so the things that look really fast in this relationship really aren't.