Call us old-fashioned, but there are a few things about The Bachelor and The Bachelorette that are essential for the success of the series.
There must be contestants who are uncharacteristically obsessed with themselves, there must be red champagne glasses, and the contestants must have no idea who they are walking down that red carpet to meet.
Which is why last night, when every contestant appeared to know they were meeting Ali Oetjen, we were so perplexed.
It all seemed so natural, until Charlie (Sasha Mielczarek‘s doppelganger) came onto the screen.
Then, in just three seconds, we noticed something odd.
HE KNEW HER NAME. Yes. He had addressed a letter to her, with her name clearly spelt out up the top. This was not a last minute addition, it was in the same pen as the rest of the letter.