
The 9 weirdest things people search for online




Google is fantastic. We know this. You know this. This site would probably be nowhere without the opportunity to Google terms like “fisting hotel” and “The Great Wall of Vagina”.

But the absolute BEST thing about Google? Seeing what other people have Googled.

You see, when enough people search a term, Google includes it in its list of suggested searches. Google is very helpful like that. For example, if you Google ‘how to buy g…’ – Google will assume you’re after ‘How to buy groceries online. Thanks Google. If you Google ‘cute videos of c…’ – Googles knows you’re after cats. Thanks Google.

AND when you start to Google “I like to ta…” the first result is “I like to tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would be like to be a dinosaur.”

Yeah okay… so it concerns us that enough people have put that into Google for the search engine to SUGGEST it as the sort of information you’d be after… Now at least one of those crazy searchers must read Mamamia.


Buzzfeed has rounded up some of the strangest results for your confusion and enjoyment. Some of them will really leave you scratching your head, the others will give you insights into fellow human’s brains you may wish you’d never had:

You can go here to see the rest of their discoveries.

Bonus hilarity: We decided to take our own trip down the mysterious search-engine rabbithole and here are some of the results we got. Seriously, put your hand up if you have ever entered any of these into Google. You are officially an interesting (if not somewhat odd) person…

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever Googled? Have you ever encountered weird things people Google when searching the net?


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amy rose 11 years ago


Amy rose 11 years ago
