Mothers all over Australia are tearing their hair out trying to manage the hormonal changes happening to their once tender boys. This smelly, grunting, obnoxious teenager is a far cry from her little sweet boy that once allowed her to smoother him with kisses. Now all he seemingly wants to do is eat, masturbate and play computer games. These moments are only disrupted with outbursts of anger and frustration.
So what does a boy want? In working with teenage boys for over 12 years I have complied a list of my top eight tips to help mums give their boys what they are really after.
1. Surround him with great examples of honourable men both past and present. Young men will usually gravitate to images of strong powerful men such as Batman or Superman or GI Joe. But teach them also about men who were powerful not just because of their brute strength but because of their determination, creative and integrity.
2. Teach him how to communicate about how he is feeling. Ninety-three per cent of all prisoners in this country are men. I am convinced most of them are in that situation because they never learnt to count to ten before acting. Teach him how to communicate what he is feeling and instil it in him from a young age.
3. Let him explore. Boys need adventure they need to be outside playing next to creeks and wandering in the wilderness. Yet in our nation our backyards have shrunk and our theatre rooms have expanded. Take every chance you get to allow him to wander outdoors.
4. Help him understand what a wrong concept is. Statistics say that on average teenage boys spend six minutes in the presence of their fathers and 14 seconds in meaningful conversation a day. By the same token teenage boys are averaging four hours a day in front of the TV or internet. With that much media exposure he needs to be taught about what is a right and wrong concept. Don’t allow the media to teach your son values. There is a clear divide occurring in this nation. On one side there are the boys who are being raised by active engaged parents, then there are those being raised by the media.
Top Comments
"six minutes in the presence of their fathers and 14 seconds in meaningful conversation a day... four hours a day in front of the TV or internet."
That is terrifying and a gross disservice to that teenager who was just recently your little boy...
I feel like you've been peering through my windows this week. I needed to read this article more than I've needed anything in a long time. I feel better already knowing that both my beautiful 14 year old bit and myself are 'normal'. I will take onboarb the advice and soldier on!!!