As I boarded the packed train from Milan to Venice, I overheard a very Aussie family, struggling with their luggage. Dad eventually mustered enough strength to load their oversized suitcase into the cabin, while Mum shrieked, "You need a bloody drink after that one."
I smiled at the feeling of comfort, the feeling of home, yet soon I will be leaving, for a little while.
It all started on July 4, 2022, the first time my feet landed on foreign soil as a solo traveller at 33 years of age. Here in Amsterdam, I had a feeling I had never felt before. I felt I was unlocking parts of myself my soul was yearning for. It was an itinerary for myself, a metaphorical revelation that I was living life my life in other people's plans.
Upon my return to Melbourne, I didn't feel what I was expected to feel after a vacation, rejuvenated and somewhat content with my monotony, but I kept asking myself "Is this it?" The feeling of all the would bes and could bes I had bottled up abroad had allowed me to view things differently now. I could keep etchings of myself that held true and rewrite the version of myself that I had created under so much falsehood. This was a chance at brand new, to start something somewhere that was mine.
Watch: The things teachers never say. Post continues after video.
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