
10 things you only know if you're a teacher's kid.


If you were one of those lucky kids who grew up as a teacher’s kid, then you know how this story goes.

You were always impeccably dressed, because your parents would rather chew chalk for breakfast then let you show up to school looking scruffy.

You got used to seeing your teachers in social settings, because they were also your parent’s friends and would turn up to your house for coffee and catch you in your pajamas.

Life was rough, but at least your parents could help you with your maths homework.

Were you a teacher’s kid? Let us know your memories in the comments below.


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Kelly Arndt 8 years ago

My Father was a school Vice Principal. His brother and sister were both teachers who married teachers and my Mum was the school cleaner.
1/First of all, we didn't have a school uniform, we wore casual clothes.
2/We didn't hang out with other teachers outside of school(apart from my relatives).
3/My Dad had some of those rolling ink stamps, so he could alternate the 'stickers' himself!
4/I did wander around the school a bit after hours, waiting for my Dad to finish, but he certainly wouldn't have wanted me to organise his classroom or office!
5/I don't think many people aren't influenced by knowing some rotten kids and having their names embedded in your mind, with no chance of calling your own child by those names! I remember a horrible boy called Peter. I HATE that name!!!
6/I was not pressured to take things to any further extent than any of the other kids, although I do remember my Dad being wheeled around in an old metal pram, wearing only a cloth nappy and sucking on a dummy(quite a sight let me tell you, it is burned into my memory!).
7/We may have ended up with quite a few pens and a stapler or two...!
8/I participated in the swimming carnival, because I liked to.
9/I think complaints about the parents and the kids were pretty much on an even par!
10/I can tell you I certainly didn't wear clothes from the lost property box(yuck!),
In conclusion, I guess not much of the above was very true for me, and unfortunately, as great an educator as he naturally was, my Dad didn't really help me with Maths, because he was sick of that and just about every other educational subject, after teaching kids all day!
I do have some wonderful memories filled with stories of Hobyahs, Yowis, and Mulga Bill's Bicycle, though...!

Maddie 8 years ago

Oh, yes! Everyone else's children taking precedence over you as the teacher's child... Fun times.