
Does this teacher's parting message for her students sum up everything that's wrong with the world?


It’s the argument that never seems to die down.

Our kids are too soft. They’re not learning resilience. We give them a medal for participating and we play games where there are no winners or losers. We wrap them in cotton wool and make sure they never, ever feel hurt, or sad, or disappointed. And it’s breeding a generation of monsters.

This line of thought has been supported by teachers, parents, employers, journalists and various others who happen to have interacted with a child.

And now, a teacher’s parting message to her students after being fired has started a heated conversation about our approach to young people are failure.

Diane Tirado, 52, says she was sacked on September 14 from her high school in Port St Lucie, Florida for refusing to abide by the school’s “no zero” marking policy. The Student and Parent’s Handbook, Tirado said, stated in bold letters, “the lowest possible mark is 50 per cent”, requiring teachers to give at least 50 per cent for work, even when it’s substandard or incomplete.

“Bye kids,” she wrote on her whiteboard.

“Mrs. Tirado loves you and wishes you the best in life! I have been fired for refusing to give you a 50% for not handing anything in.

“[Love] Mrs. Tirado.”

The post, shared to Facebook two weeks ago, has only just started to gather traction online, with thousands sharing the message.

Tirado, who has been a teacher for 17 years, started working at the Florida school in July. On Facebook, she shared a photo of the page in the school’s handbook that outlined their marking policy.

Speaking to Florida TV station WLOS on Monday, Tirado said she gave her Year Eight social studies class two weeks to complete a project, but a number of students didn't hand it in. It was then she discovered the school's zero-grading policy.

"If there’s nothing to grade, how can I give somebody a 50 percent?" Tirado asked on the program. "I’m arguing the fact that you don’t get something for nothing. I want the policy changed, and it’s not just here."

Tirado also said the grading page in the school's handbook adds confusion, because above the words "no zeroes," there are zeroes in the scale.

The teacher's official letter of termination didn't include a reason, as she was still within her probation period.

Speaking to Fox News on Tuesday, St Lucie Public Schools superintendent E. Wayne Gent insisted "we're not making it easy for students".

“It’s holding them accountable. It’s rigour. It’s hard work. We want to make it more difficult to fail than easier to succeed.”

“The easy way is to say, ‘OK, we’re going to move on and leave you behind,’ and that student is going to be unsuccessful. That’s not the culture that we’ve established in the school district.”

In a series of follow up Facebook posts, Tirado said she “took on this fight because it was ridiculous”.

"Teaching should not be this hard.

"Teachers also provide numerous attempts to get the work collected so they can give a child a grade. By nature, most teachers are loving souls who want to see students succeed."

Do you agree with the 'no zero' marking policy? Let us know in the comments. 

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DBJ 6 years ago

“It’s holding them accountable. It’s rigour. It’s hard work. We want to make it more difficult to fail than easier to succeed.”

“The easy way is to say, ‘OK, we’re going to move on and leave you behind,’ and that student is going to be unsuccessful. That’s not the culture that we’ve established in the school district.”

Pardon me, but why should you be making it harder to fail? They are not doing the work, they are not turning the work in. Would you expect to not show up at work and still get paid 50% of your wages? You want to make it harder to fail, then make the damn kids turn in the work. They want to be lazy and not do the work then they deserve to be held back a grade and repeat the process until they learn.

It is a sad comment on our society that kids get away almost literally with murder. Stuff like this leads them to the "CORRECT" conclusion there are no consequences for failing to follow the rules.

This same attitude seems prevalent in our society beyond school as well. Prisoners demanding things like playboys or cable TV while in prison, and it is given to them. I am surprised we even send people to prison anymore, after all we have already taught them they cannot be punished for wrong doing as a child. They go to prison to learn a lesson about breaking the law. Not to get free food, clothing, and housing. We should not be letting them have ANY TV. TV is not a necessity of life.

As a prisoner they should get the bare minimum to live. It is not an Effing resort for Christ sake. Stop treating them like pampered hotel guests. All this is doing is making them crave the prison life. Why follow the rules when you get all this free stuff provided to you?

As for the school kids? No work turned in, you get a 0, you get held back for failing, you fall behind your peers and friends. Start teaching them their ARE consequences to their actions and stop freaking coddling them.

Buck Brogan 6 years ago

In the state where I live, falsifying a government report is a crime, a Felony, and I expect other states are similar. The teacher should report the principal to the authorities and then sue. (See a lawyer first before you even hint at legal action.)