
Former Biggest Loser winner has his say about controversy surrounding contestant Nikki.

A former winner of The Biggest Loser Australia has weighed in on the controversy surrounding one of the newest season’s contestants.

25-year-old mum Nikki caused a stir among fans when she weighed in at 78kg – just 7kg more than the national average weight for Australian women.

Fans were confused as to why Nikki was participating in a show where the point has always been to win by losing the most weight.

Now, Sam Rouen - who won season three of the competition back in 2008 after shedding a whopping 71kg - has addressed the drama.

"I can definitely understand peoples reactions to having such a light contestant on a show predominantly aimed at losing weight," he told Daily Mail Australia.

But, he says, the 2017 is different from any other season, in that "this series is about transforming individuals and overhauling their lifestyles."

"If the producers had put Nikki on the show and labeled her as obese or something similar, yeah that would be absolutely disgusting," he added.

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"I don't think Nikki has entered the show with the aspirations of losing 30kgs but to regain some health and fitness.

"It's a common misconception that only overweight people are unhealthy, many people with lighter frames also have poor diets, are unfit or sedentary, have high blood pressure or a range of other health issues."

Former Bachelor Sam Wood - who launched his own fitness and health program after his time on the show - said the focus on "real people" this season was "relatable" and a welcome change.

"Hopefully it will stop so many people passing judgement on others and looking at where their health is and how they can improve," he wrote on Facebook.

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What do you think of the changes to The Biggest Loser Australia this year?

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