
An Aussie skincare brand posted a 'silly video' on TikTok. Then Andrew Tate entered the chat.

Some things we never expected to see in the same sentence: tbh skincare and an Andrew Tate-fuelled misogyny debate.

To bring you up to speed, Aussie brand tbh skincare recently posted a viral TikTok video, following a trend where a group of young women chant in a circle, describing their personal characteristics/outfits.

Yes, it sounds strange describing it like that, but it's a thing. Trust me. 

In the clip, founder Rachael Wilde, 27, described herself as a "Gen Z boss in a mini" while other young co-workers describe themselves with chants like "itty bitty titties and a bob" and "fake tan hands and a hoop".

Their version was inspired by the original "boots and a slicked back bun" clip on TikTok. 

(And yes, Mamamia even did a version of the trend).

If you haven't already seen it doing the rounds on social media, here it is for reference:

"It’s difficult to see how some have made the jump from members of the marketing team volunteering to dance in a silly TikTok, to misconstruing it with 'using staff'," Wilde added. 

"As a female founded brand, and the leader of the marketing team that took part in this video, I do everything in my power to make sure the team feels supported, safe and happy in their workplace. This has always been my number one priority as the leader of this team from day dot. I am so proud of how the team has handled all of this. We have all banded together and are supporting each other through it."

Any publicity is good publicity, right?

Have you seen the clip? What are your thoughts? Share them with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Supplied/@tbhskincare.

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Top Comments

babble 2 months ago 1 upvotes
I would not refer to my tits in a work video. Then again I’m from a different generation and was never a cool girl. 

rush 2 months ago
I saw the video and thought it was pretty cringe, (and maybe a bit weird to do at work), but I agree that it's not that deep. We've seen plenty of cringey workplace videos over the years, this is no worse. A-holes are always going to find something to complain about, I hope these women have thick enough skin to let it roll off their backs. And to be fair, I'd never heard of their skincare brand before, so I guess it worked!