reality tv

We're calling it. Survivor Australia 2019 is the best reality show on TV right now.


Ask me to pick the best reality TV show on Australian telly right now and I’ll tell you point blank. It’s Survivor.

Sure, The Bachelor is always a good time and the room reveals on The Block are ace. But in my humble TV-watching opinion, the 2019 season of Australian Survivor is the best one yet.

The fact there are only four episodes left until we find out who wins Survivor is also very distressing. What will I watch on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights without it??

We caught up with eliminated Survivor contestant Dave to get the gossip, post continues after video.

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“Yeah but, what makes Survivor so bloody good,” non-Survivor watchers ask? Let us break it down.

Firstly, condolences to those who’ve missed out on what has been THE BEST season of Australian Survivor in a very long time.

Next, Survivor is the perfect combination of all the genres and elements that test the human condition. Drama, tick. Athletic challenges, tick. The elements, tick. Love and betrayal, tick. Drama, triple tick.

Sure, you won’t find romance (except in 2016 when contestants Lee and El got together) or roses on the remote Fijian island, but there’s a certain magic to Survivor that makes it so addictive and so thrilling, without dipping into, well, low-brow territory. Trashy reality TV will always have its place, but Survivor is on another level.


The show also has Jonathan LaPaglia, who in his role as host, has delivered some of the wisest lines ever uttered on television.

survivor australia 2019
Well said, Jonathan. Image: Giphy.

Of course, Survivor isn't new. The tried and tested format has been around since first airing in America in 2000, and the Australian version in 2002 (although it didn't really get good until Network Ten picked it up in 2016).


But this year's season has stepped it up with some brilliant characters.

Like contender Harry, who pretended to have a young child named Oscar to bond with his ovary-owning tribe mates (i.e. the women) before proceeding to expose his lie at tribal council in a very strange attempt at saving himself. Only, old mate Jonathan pulled a tribe swap out instead of an eviction, meaning all Harry achieved from his master plan was royally pissing everyone off.

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Rule number 1: Never admit to lying about having children. Image: Giphy.

And Pia, the self-dubbed Smiling Assassin who is probably going to win this whole thing but could talk about how she's an actor a bit less.

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We get it, Pia. Image: Giphy.

Then there's The Godmother Janine.

Janine can't stop talking about how much playing Survivor is like running Boost Juice a business.

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Words to live by. Image: Giphy.


Luke is the undisputed King of the Jungle and I won't hear otherwise. If Luke does not win Survivor, I'll start a GoFundMe in his honour.

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Ah Luke. Never change. Image: Giphy.

Oh yeah, there's also Abbey.

Getting rid of Simon was the only big move she's made in the game, but it was the most OBVIOUS MOVE IN SURVIVOR HISTORY.

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Yes. Yes, you do. Image: Giphy.

And we can't forget about Baden, who might actually be the Sole Survivor.

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"Shit, I might seriously win this thing." Image: Supplied.

Oh, and Dave. We have to talk about Dave.

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Dave is 2019's Survivor villain. Image: Giphy.

No, Dave is no longer with us, but I mourn his eviction deeply. I mean, c'mon. The guy made a fake idol out of sticks and washed up bits of string, and conned contender Shaun into swapping it with him for a real idol. Dick move, but again, brilliant.

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As much as I don't want to admit it, he kind of... is. Image: Giphy.

Then there's the lying. The backstabbing. The manipulating. And above all, THE BLINDSIDES. Essentially, this year, the Survivor contestants have come to play and it makes for spectacular TV.

Honestly, one tribal council serves up more drama than a rose ceremony ever could.

Who do you think will win Survivor? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Want more behind-the-scenes Survivor gossip? Read more here:

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