
Three women wear fuschia on live television. Weirdly, world does not end.

On Friday morning, a seismic event shook the country. Three women wore the exact same shade of pink on live TV. It was fuchsia, to be precise.

Australian homes shook. Glasses of orange juice spilt as people ducked for cover. Trees fell over, helpless against the force of such a major national crisis.

Did you feel it?

Of course you didn’t, because it didn’t happen. Nothing really happened.

During a multi-city live weather cross on Sunrise this morning, it became apparent that news presenter, Natalie Barr, and reporters Samantha Brett, Bianca Stone and Amanda Bachmann found themselves in a pink top trifecta.

Clearly Brett missed the memo that, on Fridays, we wear pink, because she rocked up in white.

But rather than becoming 2018’s Jacketgate, the women saw the funny side of the, yes, hilarious, but also unimportant coincidence.

So did Sunrise viewers. In fact, they thought everyone looked pretty darn good.

Really, Brett was the one who drew the short straw in this situation. Because there’s nothing more awkward than rocking up to a themed dress up party in casual clothes.

Thankfully, it looks like they’ll open up the lines of communication before next week.

Oh, and the world did not end. Phew.

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Lesley Graham 7 years ago

Thanks mamamia for ending my week on a light note. All the news is either sad or really horrible just saw this as I was going to shut down for the night, it's really made my night in a humorous way.