Okay, whingers, listen up.
I’ve had it up to here *holds hand up to chin level*.
Now, in case you don’t understand what I just did there, the use of the asterisks is Internet-speak for “imagine me doing this action”. Asterisks also might be used for *emphasis*, or to correct a mitsake (Oops, I mean *mistake). It’s the way we hip, trendy peeps communicate online.
Hold it. If you are shaking your head right now, complaining about missing a simpler time when we all communicated face-to-face and everybody spoke the Queen’s English, then hold it right there.
YOU are the reason I am *fed up*.
ENOUGH with the nostalgia. Image via The Brady Bunch, CBS.
Top Comments
Um..pretty sure school assignments have been done for decades without the use of the Internet, indeed WHOLE degrees. It's called a library. As a teacher, I'd wish more students would use one! The amount of rubbish on the Internet is extraordinary. Students have lost research skills and directly copy from the Internet (which takes all of about 2 minutes to prove.) Nup, sorry, kids are getting DUMBER and as a teacher of 15 years, I should know! Technology has A LOT to answer for. (This was read in my lunch break at work...oh wait...I am a teacher and AT WORK on the school holidays...another myth busted!)