My parents divorced when I was in college. It was a long time coming and when I went away to school, they lost their last reason to stay together. It was about two years before my mum started dating. When she met Mark, I was home from my senior year of college for winter break.
“Home” now meant my mum’s new house in a different suburb, further north where I’d grown up. It wouldn’t have made a huge difference, as I didn’t stay close with many people from high-school, but there were a couple of people I might have hit up had she not moved.
My college boyfriend and I had just broken up after he got back from a semester abroad. I’d been talking too much about the future, about what we’d do after graduation and assuming that we’d be together, but “the m-word” as my boyfriend had taken to calling marriage, finally scared him off. He wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment and I couldn’t stand the thought of a long-distance relationship with this person who I had come to rely on so deeply throughout the previous three years.
Samantha X on how to have better sex. Post continues after video.