So I thought I’d be fine with my middle child starting school this week, after all, I’ve been through it before. But then the nightmares started…
I am having a meltdown. My second-born is starting school and I am a mess. Philip is nine and is in Year Four. It’s not like I’m new to the whole starting school process. I thought Giovanni’s transition from preschool to Kindy would be seamless.
Then the nightmares began.
Another nightmare that is on my highlight reel is the one where Giovanni and I arrive at school. We are happy. He is perfectly dressed and we've remembered to bring everything. Then they can't find his name on any of the class lists. We wandered around the school aimlessly trying to find his class only to be told by a friend of mine from work, who made a random appearance in this dream, that there was no room for him and to come back tomorrow.
I am tired of everyone telling me to chill out and relax. "Everything is going to be fine," my husband says. "How do you know," I throw back.
I am allowed to feel my feelings but what I need to focus on is making sure my anxiety doesn't affect affect him. He's quite chuffed at the idea of starting school and being one of the 'big kids'. He keeps referring to himself as a 'big boy' and insisting on dressing himself and using his own wallet to pay for his weekly doughnut at the shops.
He's also excited to be catching the bus home from school each day. In fact I think he's more excited to be catching the bus home than he is to be starting school.