I never thought I’d be THAT parent. Hovering in the bushes to make sure my kid isn’t playing alone. Sharing a million photos of my child on social media.
And then it happened. I had a son and suddenly he became the centre of my universe. The coolest human being I’d ever met and my greatest achievement.
Suddenly I went from cringing when my friends would post photos of their children incessantly... to doing it myself. I. COULD. NOT. STOP.
I assumed that if I thought his forceps-bruised, spud-like head was the cutest thing in the world, naturally everyone else would agree.
As he grew older, that maternal pride grew stronger, to the point where I simply could not see any faults in this perfect human being I had grown.
I remember my brother and sister gently alluding to the fact that my son might have a lazy eye. Totally indignant, I gave it to them and told them that was utter nonsense.
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