A woman is putting sperm in her smoothies. I repeat, A WOMAN IS PUTTING SPERM IN HER SMOOTHIES. Yes, a real woman named Tracy Kiss from the Queen’s country says she knows the elixir of life: it’s her mate’s jizz.
I have a few feelings about this. Namely, they are: No, no, no, no, no, no, and bloody hell no.
If, like me, you’re a bit skeptical that the stuff that comes out of a dude’s yogurt gun can cure the common cold, let’s hear the lady out – shall we?
“I’d been feeling run down and had no energy, but now I’m full of beans and my mood has improved,” Tracy, mum of two, told The Sun.
Top Comments
Seems legit, and not taking a shot for ephemeral digital fame at all.
Hope that the internet doesn't just run to the toilet and spit her back
So that's why my hubby always wants me to swallow ;)