Britni and her daughter. (Image supplied.)
I’m not sure when it happened exactly, but I’ve become everything I swore I’d never be. Maybe it was the day that I decided I wanted to get sober.
I always thought that people who didn’t drink were boring. Squares. No fun. I swore I would never be one of Those People. I was Different. I knew how to have fun.
RELATED: 10 things recovering alcoholics do that you should do, too.
Until I didn’t anymore. Until it stopped being sustainable, or even beneficial. Until I had no choice in the matter. It’s funny, because I think I’m actually way more fun now that I’m sober. I’m definitely less judgmental. As a bonus, I’m also now a functioning member of society.
I didn’t think I wanted to be someone who went to work and paid their bills and watched Netflix on a Saturday night, but apparently that’s exactly what I wanted to be.
If you had told me three and a half years ago that I would be someone who opened my mail, tried my hardest to be a good person, and went to something called “baby and me yoga’, I would have been horrified. And yet, here I am.
Or maybe it was the day that I chose to participate in the patriarchal institution that we call "marriage".
I always knew that I didn't want to get married. All of my reasons were "good" ones, too. I couldn't bear the thought of being someone's wife. I didn't want to participate in an institution that viewed women as property. I didn't want to be tied to one person for the rest of my life.