The skincare world is a real fickle ol' beast, isn't it? It's so dang overwhelming. Especially when it comes to to choosing the right ingredients for your skin.
Like, what's the rule here? When do you use hyaluronic acid? What about retinol? Does everyone need to use AHAs? WHAT ABOUT THE AHAs?
Between the mountains of products now available, the #shelfie-worthy packaging, and the fact that a fancy new ingredient pops up every 48 hours (hello! Please sit) - working out what ingredients your skin *actually* needs is a total TASK. And figuring out which products you're supposed to use when is even harder.
So, where does one start?
To break down which ingredients do what (and when you should use them), we've pulled together a cute lesson to help you get started.
How do you know which ingredients your skin needs?
As we mentioned before (how awkward... are you skimming?), there are A LOT of different skincare ingredients out there, and everyone's skin has different needs.
Whether it be dryness, pigmentation, acne, fine lines, wrinkles and the gang - we all have our own chief skincare concerns and individual preferences as to what we want to target.
However! There are some core ingredients that can benefit most skin types - such as your hyaluronic acids (which help keep your skin stay plump, hydrated and happy) and a dedicated broad-spectrum sunscreen, which you probably already wear every single day, right?