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You’ve taken a little hiatus from your fitness and health goals… I’m not going to hassle you, we all have those times where stuff/life (and our mental state) can get in the way. It’s time to get stuck in and shake yourself out of this rut! Here are a few simple ways to get out of one…
1. Find a program you can maintain year round.
Consistency is key – it will take your efforts day in and day out. You don’t get fit but thinking about i t- you get fit by doing. Find yourself some non physical goals, something a little more than “I want to fit into a dress”. Think about your performance, mental state, sleeping better or living longer.
Physical goals don’t always stand the test of time. It’s always best to incorporate what you love into your exercise routine so you stay committed and interested. If you hate gyms- train outdoors! You will have way more success if you keep going year round as opposed to being a “seasonal” exerciser.