I’m not going to beat around the bush: I’m shocking when it comes to saving money. Deplorable, even.
I’m not one to splurge my hard-earned clams on fancy clothes and I don’t enjoy my weekends galavanting the coast (I spend them on the couch watching Friday Night Lights). Instead, I waste my money on the teeny tiny little stuff – like overpriced Melbourne coffees, the odd Uber fare when I’m too lazy to catch the train, $10 vodka sodas on a night out – you know, the stuff I forget I’m actually paying for.
I’ve never ‘pinched my pennies’, and now more than ever it’s glaringly obvious I need to change that.
Enter Marie Campagna Franklin, the super saving woman who is CHANGING MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE with her simple penny pinchin’ trick.
Top Comments
I hardly ever carry cash. I pay for most things these days with my card. Very rare I actually take a trip to the bank to get money out until I know I need it for a specific purpose.
I have my doubts is such a cashless society these days, I use my card for everything unless I know I'm going somewhere with no eftpos