1. Tori Johnson’s partner
The partner of Tori Johnson, Thomas Zinn, has spoken to TODAY’s Lisa Wilkinson just days after the tragic death of 34-year Tori in the Lindt Café siege.
He told TODAY that Tori was “a humble and very generous person.”
Tori Johnson was one of 17 people taken hostage by self-proclaimed ‘sheik’ Man Haron Monis in Sydney’s Martin Place on Monday, and one of two hostages to die.
For more read this post here.
2. Gun Laws
Former Prime Minister John Howard has said that comments made by NSW Liberal Democratic Party Senator David Leyonhjelm yesterday calling for relaxed gun laws were “a very simplistic and flawed analysis”.
“The gun laws that were brought in in the wake of Port Arthur have made Australia a safe country and there’s very strong, properly based research evidence to the effect that gun-related homicides have fallen in this country,” Mr Howard told the ABC.
The former Prime Minister said that Australians did not support more relaxed gun laws because they “understood that the fewer guns there are in the community, the fewer gun related deaths there will be”.
“The truth is that in countries that have laxer gun laws, the likelihood of people who obtain a gun legally then using it for murderous, even terrorist purposes is much greater.”
Top Comments
No 11 - not as silly as it sounds. When I bought my current car I bought the model with manual wind windows because if you 'double lock' the doors with the key remote, you can't lift the locks from the inside. I wanted to make sure my kids could get out the windows if they ever accidentally got locked in.
Still, when the battery in the key went flat, it didn't occur to me for hours that I could just stick it in the door lock and turn it to get into the car!
No 6 - really?? A toy ruined his career and still upsets him 2 years later? Get a sense of humour. And a life.
Can smell a court case and a grab for money somewhere in the future
Actually, that could have been bullying. I was on a team where my poor co-worker was given a package of "stress relief combo" nut mix at the Division Xmas lunch Kris Kringle. Doubly cruel. Oh and it was out of date. Possibly triple cruel, as my colleague was pushing 50. Of course, Kris Kringle is anonymous, so she couldn't have known who was so cruel. I can fully imagine that being pretty traumatic and taking a while to get over. Depends on the context.