It’s a topic guaranteed to divide. Some parents see it as a useful took for disciplining children where as others go so far as to call it child abuse.
Currently smacking is still legal in Australia, within reason. There are rules for where and how a parent may strike their child which include not being able to hit a child above the head and not leaving a mark. But more and more, Australian parents are looking to alternative methods to discipline their kids.
Whatever your approach though it can be hard witnessing another parent use smacking as a form of punishment. At what point do you step in? Where do you draw the line between discipline and full on assault and do you have a right to intervene when you see another parent treating their child this way?
Top Comments
Woman in the video: "I don't use smacking for discipline...just a tap on the bum so she pulls her head in."
Um...that seems like attempted discipline to me?!
I was only spanked twice as a child and trust me i deserved it both times. I repeatedly did something that my parents had told me not to do, climbing the outside of the railing to the stairs in our house and climbing out my window onto the roof of our house and climbing down the tree into our neighbors yard. My parents and I joke about it now, the spanking was one smack across the bum, no repeated hits, and my parents were more scared for my safety than angry with me. They may have been angry when the incident occurred, but they never spanked me when they were angry, they allowed themselves time to cool off and then reminded me of what I did and why I was being spanked. And the spankings only occurred after I had been grounded and had privileges taken away, my parents tried other means and they didn't get the point across that what I was doing was dangerous.
There is a difference between abuse and discipline, abuse occurs out of a place of anger and frustration, discipline occurs from a place of protection and a desire to correct, that is why it is called discipline - to teach a lesson. Too many people lump it all together and call it abuse, because they cannot or will not acknowledge there is a difference.