It was my husband who first pointed it out.
“Oh, look,” he exclaimed with glee. “You have a grey hair.”
That he took the time to tell me this while I was folding his undies as he sat next to me playing on a Nintendo like a 15-year-old was entirely lost on him.
“Yeah. Thanks dude.”
RELATED: Can stress really turn your hair grey?
There are definitely a few greys on my head. But, I’m a bit of a tight arse, so I’ve never included foils or colour work at my (less than) regular hair appointments. However, if my husband has noticed then the greys are probably more prominent than I had previously realised.
This is how I’ve arrived at the hirsute crossroads I find myself at. Do I take action to cover the greys? Or do I let them go, and age naturally and gracefully?
There are plenty of examples of women who have aged naturally and with incredible style. Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close. These are beautiful beautiful women. I’m so deeply inspired by them. They seem to be defiantly natural in their appearance, and we can’t help but love them for it.
I suspect, however, that I am not Helen Mirren.
But then, deciding to cover up the greys has my bank account trembling in fear. With two small people in childcare, forking out $300 every six weeks to get my hair dyed seems like an extravagance I can ill afford.
RELATED: Non-permanent hair ideas even the biggest commitment phobes will love.