If I told you there was a way you could reduce your workload at home and the emotional labour for your family, and it was FREE, would you do it?
Speaking to many of my mum friends, it sounds good in theory, but no, they wouldn’t. Because it’s a mum’s job to be everything to everyone and if you’re not doing it all, are you even a proper mother?
Well, my friends, I’m here to liberate you from that thinking. While you’re crumbling under the impossible emotional and physical load that is parenting in 2020, the answer is right in front of you.
Just joking, it’s not remotely child labour. At all. But it does involve your children; you know, the little people for whom you’re doing everything.
Watch: What’s the sexiest thing in the world? Sharing the mental load, of course. Post continues below.
But what if I told you that by stopping doing every little thing for them AND in letting your kids learn about how to look after themselves, you are in fact doing your job as a mother?
Mind. Blown.
Top Comments
42yo men are also capable of helping out too. It's funny how when couples first move in together, household tasks get allocated out and never again get re-negotiated based on who is now best to do them. Rather than delineate jobs down the traditional line of he does outside, she does inside and sticking with that for life, think about who is best to do what. He might be a better cook now and she love a chance to escape outside the house to pull some weeds and mow the lawn on a Saturday. As life changes, so must the task allocation. We all know inside jobs are about 5 times more time-consuming and every day, compared to outside. Get everybody in the house to take some household tasks off mum. And mums - stop being martyrs!
Are we really at the point that making your children do chores is considered a revelation in parenting??
it's not just chores - as per the article
They all sound like chores to me. What tasks there do you not think are chores?