I’ve never had a ‘body’.
I’m talking not much muscle tone, not a fast metabolism or even a remote level of fitness.
The good news about that is now that I’m 41.75 years old, I don’t feel any different, and I’m not mourning the loss of anything youthful about me…
Well, except my hair.
It all started a year ago, when my beloved and much-trusted hairdresser of seven years gave me some bad news: my full head of hair was depleting – slowly – but surely.
I didn’t believe him, but the man knew my scalp better than anyone, and he could notice a very subtle difference in the strength of my hair.
Which would, he warned me, eventually lead to thinning of my hair overall. Apparently, this is what happens to most of us when we hit our 40s.
My reaction? Denial. But I bought the shampoo he recommended because I’m polite like that.
And much to my surprise, it’s made a difference to my hair that I didn’t even know I needed.