PM Scott Morrison has announced that Australian schools will stay open. He’s pointing to the example of Singapore, saying Singapore has kept schools open and been one of the “more successful countries” at limiting transmission of coronavirus.
All good. Send your kids to school and stop worrying. Right?
The problem is, there’s a big difference in what’s happening in schools in Singapore and what’s happening in schools in Australia.
Our very own Claire Murphy breaks down your most asked questions about COVID-19. Post continues below.
Singapore has been through SARS. People have learnt from it. They know how careful they have to be.
Australians haven’t, and they’re still way too relaxed. It’s almost un-Australian to worry about hygiene.
Online, in parents’ groups, I’ve seen mums with experience of schools in Singapore trying to explain how different things are over there.
Official guidelines from the Singapore government back that up. These are some of the precautionary measures currently applied in Singapore schools:
Top Comments
The person who said that students are not supervised in the bathrooms just reinforces to me how little people know about what teachers do. Teaching your children to wash their hands properly and often is your job as parents. We are doing two jobs at the moment; teaching in situ AND getting everything uploaded to online learning platforms AND trying to make hard copies for those students who aren't connected at home. Excuse me if I don't go into the bathrooms with a shed load of teenagers and try to supervise their hand washing regime. Sheesh!
I went to work in school today And did some maths. Can you work out the answer? If my section of the school consists of four rooms x 24 students, age range 6 - 8 + 2 sinks and + 2 soap dispensers & 1 hand dryer, what do you end up with? My role is to provide educational support, that means getting closer than 1.5 metres Mr Morrison, if I am doing my job properly! Sorry I forget to add in the dispensers of hand sanitiser in each room. By the way, did you know the only hand sanitisers allowed in schools, all we are provided with/allowed to use contain 0% ethanol! Yep that means they are completely ineffective against COVID 19. So essentially a placebo. Thanks Mr Morrison.